Quick tips to increase productivity: Part I
Here are some quick and easy tips to increase your productivity:
2. Floss your teeth while sitting down. I find that one reason I hate to floss is that it is annoying to just stand there in front of the mirror wasting what seems like 2 minutes threading string between my teeth. Instead, grab your floss and then grab a seat. Sitting down in a relaxed position makes flossing seem less like a chore and more like a reflective moment of treating yourself to personal grooming. How is this more productive? Well, if that alternative is not flossing and flossing is a priority for you, then getting yourself to do it is quite the production increase!
Why be productive?
This is the most idiotic thing ever posted in the history of the Internet. It may be the most idiotic statement ever made.
This guy actually thinks we should plan our day during a good deuce.
You hate David Caruso? We too! Check this out!
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