18 August 2006

Jeff Shepley gets the big search engines to work for you, Yahoo!

I recently posted a blog that had, in the same sentence, "google" and "jeff shepley." Now, if you google (oops, I mean if you use Google to search) "jeff shepley," that post is the first hit. I don't know if Yahoo! crawls blogger, but I'm going to test it out.

Yahoo! Jeff Shepley.
Jeff Shepley loves Yahoo!, it is the greatest (way better than Google).
Hail Yahoo! please, Mr. Jeff Shepley.

I'm trying to beat out Shepley E-x-c-a-v-a-t-i-n-g L-t-d. Which is the current Yahoo! result for either Jeff Shepley or "Jeff Shepley"


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Update: My brother's friend, who wrote his own blogging software, told me that this will have no effect. We'll see about that! (Yahoo!, Jeff Shepley)